Director of Suitcase Records, record maker, music lover.
You could argue that Neil has been preparing for his gig at Suitcase Records since the age of 10 when he was given Suzi Quattro’s first album on vinyl. He’s been in love with music ever since.
But some things are easier to recognise in hindsight. After years of travelling and dabbling in a number of industries Neil became an architect, working for a number of well-known Brisbane architecture firms for more than 10 years. Eventually the construction industry beckoned, and he moved into large scale construction projects throughout Queensland and Australia.
Throughout all those years though, music and art beckoned. He sought out music wherever he could, travelling interstate and overseas to festivals and gigs, volunteering at Woodford Folk Festival managing the iconic Bill’s Bar, and even putting on gigs in his backyard.
Finally, life presented him with the opportunity to bring back Brisbane’s first vinyl record plant in 30 years, and he’s grabbed it with both hands. He’s over the moon with the chance to spend his days pressing the highest possible quality records at the Suitcase Records factory in Pinkenba while listening to the music he loves.